
Unstable Unicorns

Created by Ramy Badie

A strategic card game that will destroy your friendships...but in a good way.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

What's your favorite mythical creature?
over 6 years ago – Mon, Sep 10, 2018 at 01:23:47 AM

I want to know your favorite mythical creature- Click here to submit your answer! (now with link fixed)

Also, don't forget we are down to the last few days to back Unstable Unicorns: Control & Chaos! We are in the final stages of drawing all the cards, and things couldn't be more exciting :D


Only 4 days left!!

New tiers, new cards, and over $1M O_O...this is CHAOS!
over 6 years ago – Wed, Sep 05, 2018 at 12:17:40 AM

As you may know, our Unstable Unicorns: Control & Chaos project is nearing its end, and it just hit $1M!!!! Thank you to everyone who has been a part of it so far!

I have heard murmurs of some confusion recently about a few things that I wanted to clarify about this project:

1. This project is 100% Kickstarter exclusive. That means if you don't back it here, it won't be available to purchase later in stores, online, or at conventions.

2. This is NOT an expansion pack. It is two fully playable, standalone games that do not require you to own the original Unstable Unicorns (although, if you're feeling extra wild, you can shuffle them together for a massive game).

Here's a little graphic that I thought would be helpful in comparing the base game to the new games:


Plus, as an added bonus, the new control and chaos boxes have gold foil on the outside and fit sleeved cards!!  I'm so excited to show some new photos of these boxes because they are great. I love when things fit perfectly inside things >:D 


And speaking of things fitting inside things, in case you haven't seen photos of our (GIANT) Collector's box, here it is again.



Also, if you haven't seen it yet, you can pre-order our newest game, Llamas Unleashed, as an add-on with this project!!!! (Note: Llamas Unleashed will be available in Target stores in January, just wanted to mention this in case you'd rather purchase it there rather than adding it to your tier now)


Since the start of the campaign, we've added some new tiers as well.  Make sure to see below all of your options (which include some that are just the new games, while others include the original game and expansions!)

Plus, as a reminder, as a backer of the original campaign, you automatically get an exclusive Proudest Unicorn charm pin as part of your pledge. We will be cross-referencing e-mail addresses, addresses, and also giving the opportunity in other ways on the survey to prove that you were an original backer, so don't worry if any of your information has changed!!


We've been super busy drawing cards for the campaign as well. Here is the most recent update of our art in progress.  Throughout this week, we will be spending a ton of time finalizing cards, so be sure to check back to see where things are going (and to leave your suggestions before all the cards are finished!!)

Also, in case you haven't heard, we are doing live drawings every few days to show the progress of the new cards in the deck.  Here's a snapshot from the most recent one :D

I CAN'T HANDLE MY EXCITEMENT ABOUT THIS PROJECT!!  Thank you for being an original backer of Unstable Unicorns and helping to make this universe a reality!

An INSANE 12 days...(and I promise there's a little something for everyone here)
over 6 years ago – Tue, Aug 28, 2018 at 01:39:13 AM

A LOT has happened in the last 12 days. I figured I’d split this update into 2 parts: Part 1 is for anyone who has not yet backed (or seen) the Unstable Unicorns: Control & Chaos campaign, Part 2 is for those who have already backed it (and includes a little sneak preview for you!)

Part 1: 

In case you missed it, we launched Unstable Unicorns: Control & Chaos, a 100% Kickstarter Exclusive version of Unstable Unicorns that is completely driven by the community. The campaign was fully funded in 24 minutes, and is already at almost 10,000 backers!!!


We have already done 4 live drawings showing the creation of the cards in the game out of suggestions from our backers, and we’ve also drawn 75 of our backers already as Unicorns.


Here’s some quick info to get you up to date:


The new boxes in this campaign have a gold foil finish, a magnetic clasp enclosure, and are big enough to accommodate SLEEVED cards this time.

The new campaign includes an exclusive Collector’s Box that holds over 2000 SLEEVED cards.

And a ton of other things as well.

As a backer of the original UU project, you’ll automatically get this exclusive charm pin added to your pledge (no matter which tier you choose).

The engagement on this new campaign is crazy (over 10,000 comments already in 12 days!!!), so if you are interested in staying connected with Unstable Unicorns community, please join us on this new campaign :D


Part 2: 

If you’re already a backer, you can still help by helping us reach our SOCIAL STRETCH GOALS!

We've already started unlocking rewards, and there’s so much more that can still be done. And, just so that you don’t feel like this was a waste of an update for you, here’s a tiny sneak preview of what’s to come if we reach 15 social stretch goals unlocked:

I can’t say more at this time.

Finally, THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!! This continues to be the wildest journey of my life, and I am so grateful for the Kickstarter community for rallying behind me and Unstable Unicorns for a second time.

IT’S (A)LIVE!! Unstable Unicorns: Control and Chaos (The Backercorn Project)
over 6 years ago – Thu, Aug 16, 2018 at 12:18:24 AM

We've been slowly dying inside trying to keep his whole project a secret for so long. So, without further ado...

Things you'll find in this campaign:  

  • 2 brand new, KS Exclusive decks (with boxes big enough to fit sleeved cards!)  
  • A giant KS exclusive collector's box 
  • Card Sleeves
  • 2 holographic cards 
  • A KS exclusive art book 
  • Buttons that make funny sounds 
  • New KS exclusive play mats 
  • An exclusive Proudest Unicorn charm pin that's automatically added only for backers of the original UU campaign 
  • Other stuff!!

Go read about all the things!

over 6 years ago – Thu, Aug 09, 2018 at 01:45:02 AM

Almost a year ago, we launched the original Unstable Unicorns game on Kickstarter. In fact, the anniversary of the launch is next week.                                                                         

For the past year since the close of that project, we’ve been working in secret on a new campaign with the help of 10 super creative and ambitious backers/Unstable Unicorns experts/all around super swell people. We are almost ready to unleash this new, completely Kickstarter exclusive project on the world, but for now, here’s a little preview...                                                                                                                                               

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    See you on August 15th ;)