
Unstable Unicorns

Created by Ramy Badie

A strategic card game that will destroy your friendships...but in a good way.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

This update is sure to start a stampede...(I think I'm making a pun here)
over 7 years ago – Tue, Aug 29, 2017 at 08:43:14 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Keeping these unicorns from flying too close to the sun
over 7 years ago – Tue, Aug 29, 2017 at 01:16:40 AM

I've spent a lot of time in this project trying to balance making this project as amazing as possible while also effectively managing timelines, and I am doing everything I can not to Icarus this campaign.

So.........on that note, all December tiers have been capped.  I will be doing everything I can to make sure all backers who select those tiers have their orders shipped out in December, and I'll be opening new tiers if necessary that will now take us into 2018.  I am honestly just absolutely floored that this even had to be a consideration, and it is only the case because of the immense support this project has gotten.  I can't thank you enough.

And since I'm a tease, I wanted to hint at the fact that there may be more to come, but I want to make sure expectations are set in the right place.  I've gotten a lot of questions about whether there will be more expansions, and for now, I'll just say maybe (with the caveat that they will not ship this year if they happen).  

I've been drawing a lot inspiration from the comments and discussions in this campaign, and there are a few more things I'd love to do with this project if we can hit our stretch goals (and I'll give more info on that later this week).  For now, I'll just ask this: dragons, more sunshine and rainbows, or both?

I'm hoping to post the 2-player video, 1-player video, and wallpaper pack tomorrow, so feel free to hold me accountable if I don't!

And since this update is all about the teasers, here's an extra little artwork preview:

(By the way @Josh Cole, I didn't have an update planned for tonight, but I didn't want your night to feel incomplete.  Can't promise I'll do it every night, but I was in the area :P)

The card that got away...or did it? (Apocalypse Pack Reveal)
over 7 years ago – Sun, Aug 27, 2017 at 04:31:44 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

No more SGs, project is shutting down, etc. etc.
over 7 years ago – Sun, Aug 27, 2017 at 01:24:51 AM

Lol jk, I'm just trying to set the bar low for what's to come...

First of all, thank you SO MUCH for helping this project reach $500k in under 10 days!  I still am having trouble believing this is really happening!

Not only that, but I posted social stretch goals yesterday, and we already have 10 achievements unlocked (I thought I had at least bought myself 2 days, but apparently not)- so it is time for some new stretch goals earlier than I had planned.

So without further ado... 


Now I know what you are probably thinking....


Didn't I just say thank you for $500k, and now I'm removing a card??!  What kind of nonsense is this?  But hear me out!

With all of the new additions that have been made to the game and the pace at which we've been moving, I've decided to shift and move some things around, and there are some cards that were originally part of the original set that didn't work the way they used to anymore.  So I've removed a card to make room for things with better mechanics.  

But wait, there's more!


What's also special about the $575k stretch goal is that we will add in a highly requested card from the comments that will be revealed in an update if we hit the goal :)

I could have just said that we were going to add 3 cards to the deck as an SG (which was my original plan) and nobody would've known, but with this project moving faster than I can handle, I decided to split it in two and have a more exciting SG later.  It also gave me an opportunity to explain that, with all of the additions, I am being very careful to make sure the game remains balanced as much as I possibly can.

I am really crossing my fingers that you guys give us the opportunity to really make this NSFW pack something even more magical.  It has really taken on a mind of its own, and each time we see new suggestions for it in the comments, we do a little dance.  We've already included a small handful of them in the current 30-card version :D

With an upgrade to 52 cards in a tuck box, it will be possible to shuffle 2 NSFW expansions together to make a fully playable deck with no supplement.  (You can, of course, also shuffle them into the regular deck as well!)- And don't worry, we will be putting a mark on the front corners of the NSFW cards so that they can be easily separated out for when there are pesky kids around to ruin all the fun.

(Oh, and in case you're wondering, we are over 14,000 boxes already, so it looks like boxes will be getting an upgrade very soon!)

And speaking of social stretch goals (not really, but I'm not very good at transitions)- We've already unlocked 10 of them!!  That means I owe you:

  • A wallpaper pack
  • 2-player rules and play through video
  • 1-player rules and play through video

I'll get these 3 things up sometime within the next week!

I've added our next Unicorn Reward level as well.  If you'd like to support, these are things that you can do immediately:

  • Share Unstable Unicorns (FB or elsewhere) using this link:
  • Like Unstable Unicorns on FB! 
  • Send me letters to my mom about why an NSFW pack is necessary.


That's all I've got for now :)  Thanks again for your support, really.

Unicorn Rewards, Add-Ons, and EU Update!!
over 7 years ago – Sat, Aug 26, 2017 at 01:05:39 AM

With our last announced stretch goal coming up soon (over 13,000 boxes already!), I wanted to post an update with all the info you’ve been requesting!  (Don't worry, more regular stretch goals will be announced this weekend)

Since this update is very long, here's a table of contents:

  • 1 scroll: Unicorn rewards (i.e. our social goals)
  • Approximately 4 scrolls: Information about add-ons
  • Approximately 8 scrolls: EU shipping update


For starters, a lot of you have asked about social goals to accompany the stretch goals, and we’ve finally put something together- introducing Unicorn Rewards!

Here's how they'll work- I'll keep updating this graphic as fast as I can, and you get stuff for sharing the love (pun definitely intended) for Unstable Unicorns!  

For reference, as of when I'm writing this, we are at:

  • 9794 backers
  • 8398 campaign shares
  • 141 FB likes
  • 9 commenters who suggested cards (I'm shamelessly lying here- I haven't gone through to count yet, and I'm guessing I may need to unlock the first level already here)
  • 0 items that Ramy arbitrarily selected :(

Note: letters to my mom can be direct messaged to me, and if we reach the goal, I will post a photo of her holding the letters so you know that she received them.  She doesn't know yet.

Note 2: card comments should go in the main campaign comments rather than the comments of this update (or you can just post them in both).  And let's just say that one of these suggestions might make it into the game...<.<


We’ve also finalized the details about the add-ons. We’re handling add-ons through BackerKit, so all you need to do is add up the total cost of the add-ons you want and increase your pledge amount by that much! Two weeks after the campaign ends, we will send out a BackerKit survey and you’ll be able to tell us which add-ons you want on there, along with your shipping info.

To clarify, US backers can include add-ons with no additional shipping charges, and backers anywhere else in the world will need to add $5 to the total for shipping (for any number of items you want!)


Finally, I feel confident saying that we've found a way to make Unstable Unicorns EU friendly! :D

Stay tuned- !